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Event Berlin
20. August 2013 16:00 - 18:00h

Fachgespräch: Does Fracking Change the Energy World?

Prospects and Impacts of Unconventional Gas

Agora Energiewende, the European Climate Foundation und the Mercator Foundation organised a discussion with Samantha Malone, Manager of Science and Communications at FracTracker Alliance, on the issue of fracking. Fracking, i.e. unconventional gas and oil development in shale formations, is a controversial subject for which the public needs accessible and reliable data in order to make well-informed decisions.

  • What are the environmental and regulatory shortfalls experienced in the U.S. with regard to the recent boom in the extraction of this fossil fuel?
  • What are the production trends, electricity costs, climate change implications, and health concerns of unconventional gas?
  • What will be the future of fracking in the American – and global – energy fields?

FracTracker Alliance is an NGO based in Pennsylvania, US, that is dedicated to enhancing the public’s understanding of the (unconventional) oil and gas industry by providing data and analyses at fractracker.org.


Fachgespräch: Does Fracking Change the Energy World?

ProjektZentrum Berlin der Stiftung Mercator (PZB)
Raum: Konferenzraum (1. OG)
Neue Promenade 6
10178 Berlin

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