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8 July 2021

The 'Fit for 55' National GHG Target Calculator

The “Fit for 55” National GHG Target Calculator

As part of the the Agora Energiewende project ''Fit for 55' based on Environmental Integrity and Solidarity'', Öko Institut has developed a tool that enables the calculation of national greenhouse gas targets under an EU-wide ambition of 55 pecent. The calculations for the tool are based on the recently adopted EU Climate Law and the impact assessment accompanying the European Commission’s 2030 Climate Target Plan proposing the enhanced target.

The tool can be downloaded below for free as an excel spreadsheet and is accompanied by an explanatory note providing additional detail on how the data in the tool was calculated.

A complementary analysis of the results can be found here.

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Bibliographical data

Andreas Graf
Version number
Publication date

8 July 2021

Suggested Citation
Öko-Institut and Agora Energiewende (2021): National GHG target calculator
This publication was produced within the framework of the project “Fit for 55” based on Environmental Integrity and Solidarity.

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