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Partner Publication
26 November 2021

Beyond net zero: empowering climate mitigation by linking to development goals


This report focuses on how countries that are dealing with climate change planning can ensure that these plans are integrated into their overall development planning to meet the needs of their populations—in other words, how they can go “Beyond Net Zero” to achieve balanced and complementary plans that first and foremost meet their development needs, but also move toward decarbonisation of their energy sectors and their economies.

The report focuses on four developing and emerging economies that are participating in the international cooperation program, Clean Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE): Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

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Bibliographical data

Swithin Lui, NewClimate Institute; Mathis Rogner, Agora Energiewende
Publication date

26 November 2021

This publication was produced within the framework of the project Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy System in Southeast Asia (CASE).
